Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Beautiful Tareeq (to the eyes)

Bila senja ku petik kala mentari pudar warnanya
kusimpan dalam poket sanubari
mencuri "My Heart" ketika hujan menitik
falling on my cheeks...
cooling sensations
feels like winter is blessing

Manjalah aku...
pada malam yang kurasakan amat panjang
menuju kemuncaknya
Whats left for me...
when u hit the right points
taking beautiful red sky
from my eyes..
you give me tears...
you give me your words...
sedikit tersentuh pada rasa
seandainya terasa aku ini amat kecil...
smaller and smaller and smaller
melingkarlah aku diselimut malam
menyiksa diri dengan persoalan...
why me?
why not?
I just don't understand...
i don't....

Beautiful Tareeq...
life isn't always as what we expect..
Be strong......